Feb 2 and 3, 2016 Off to Cuba again.
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Hi we did our winter escape to Cuba again. We have been using Air Canada for our trip to Cuba we would leave at an ungodly hour 0420 to the airport get in to toronto in time to do a mad dash from Terminal 1 to Terminal 3 to get the Westjet flight to Cuba. This year Westjet started to fly out of Fredericton which we wanted to encourage so we booked our tickets on Westjet all the way. Unfortunately it left in the early evening and meant a overnight in Toronto both ways. We grabbed an AirBnB place in Toronto not far from the airport. Our AirBnB place worked out great so life was good.
Bruce our AirBnB guy said that the really like 3 hours to get through the lineups in Toronto’s Pearson Airport so we were leaving the apartment in Toronto at 4AM for our 7am flight. Ok I figured at 4am, with a boarding pass in our hand, we could probably do it in less than three hours. At 0427 we were sitting at the gate waiting for the plane and the reason it took us that long was waiting for the Tim Horton’s coffee and bagels that took a while to toast. What really sucked as we were sitting there drinking crappy Tims coffee was I was looking at Caplanski’s Deli (near gate 39). Caplanski’s has great breakfasts and coffee which we have had at other times. Next time we skipped Tims and went to Caplanski’s direct.
We got into Varadero and traded our money at the inside counter carefully checking the money going in and out of the place and this year we got what we were supposed to get. Other years we somehow lost $40CUC in the process of changing money.
We got into Varadero on the Transtur bus which cost us $10CUC each and they dropped us directly at the door of Elisa and Pepe’s casa. Joan was there to meet us and it was great to see Pepe and Elisa’s son again. He is fluent in English and we enjoy talking to him every year. He gets to practice his English and we find out how things are going in Cuba. We had Chicken and Pork at Pepe’s and the food is as good as ever. We were sorry to hear that Elisa was feeling under the weather and that was the reason that Joan was helping out. She showed up for a few minutes just to say hello before going back to bed.
Our Gallery for the trip is